In 2021, the Develop me website was launched, as it became the compass that brought together students and trainers in Palestine under the umbrella of the largest guide for Palestinian trainers.As a result of the huge and wide demand to provide such a service, the Modern Technologies Company decided to work on developing and updating the idea, and the Develop me online platform was established - an interactive Palestinian social e-learning platform from a distance.The Develop me online platform is linked to most of the owners of practical experience and skills in all fields, as well as Palestinian universities and curricula in Palestine, where the student can search within the following options:- Searching for people with scientific and practical skills, and teachers for a specific university subject or a specific educational level.- Searching for teachers and specific school subjects within the Palestine curriculum (for example: Mathematics for the third grade of secondary school, the Palestinian curriculum).- Searching for teachers in a specific discipline in general (for example: English language, programming, or Java programming).- Searching for skills in various fields such as management, sports, mental health and various fields.